The Strange Symbol in the Western Desert

Out in the Western desert on one area there is something very strange to be found!
The high escarpment is vast; stretching 10 miles x 5 miles, but less than a mile from where it noses to an end at circa 530 feet height, it appears almost as if the cliffs have been pinched together to form a narrowed section of about half a mile from the front to rear of the escarpment, and as though a giant hand has raked a 75 feet deep Saddle across this narrowest point. The actual saddle section is circa 120 feet X 25 yards wide . A path rises to level Escarpment either side of it within 75 feet. Within 3 miles into the valleys either side, the ground drops to sea level; but within just over half a mile has already dropped to around 150/200 feet.
Showing the Saddle looking North where it opens out and drops down to the desert beyond. It looks barren in the picture but pictures in the desert can be deceiving. Across the centre of the picture there is a different coloured line and this marks where the escarpment drops away, eventually to bevel out to the huge plane a few hundred feet below.

The Saddle looking South showing where it narrows before dropping sharply to the more protected valley below.

In the satellite image below you can see the saddle across the high escarpment. The red dot in the centre shows where the glyph is situated, and the arrow shows the direction of the high sea cliff and caves, as shown below in other pics.
The grey shadow alongside the red dot is the raised limestone shelf seen in the second pic below and above.

Here's a step back to look at the context of the raised outcrop on the left of the Saddle. We found the strange symbol situated on the slab top of that outcrop. Nearby there is a worn natural pathway from the highest part of the escarpment which disappears to the bowl of the Saddle before picking up again on the other side of it.

The surface of the saddle is limestone, looking as though it has been deeply striated from the sand and wind; but more likely from the effects of an ancient tidal sea pounding and pouring across the narrows.
The pic below shows closer to the edge of the saddle looking down into the Southern valley

Moving closer still where the raked surface can be seen more easily

...And the saddle from below in the protected Southern Valley

And this is what we found.
Is it natural, or a Man made Petroglypth ?
It has clearly suffered from the added effects of blown erosion, but its remains are very distinctive. It covers an area of about one yard square and the shapes within it are up to one inch in depth. (The toes of my shoes at the bottom of the pic will help you to judge the scale)

This is looking obliquely at the Relief from the opposite direction to the main pic. but it also shows as we observed, that the relief seems to be formed in a raised (plastered) but weathered area of the limestone surface.

Night time, looking up over the saddle ridge

Under desert moonlight we sat long in speculation together and asked ourselves what if the feature
could be entirely natural. But everything around us screamed that it was something else.
The escarpment was the victim of ancient water power. We could see the caves formed obviously off one end of the saddle from the action of waves. We could see how the saddle followed the perfect form as would be from water surging and withdrawing. We could see how the feature seemed to have been almost prepared in a lime plaster bed, and in a position that signalled the natural path from one side of the saddle, down into the trough, and back up to the other side of the escarpment.

Taken from the entrance of the cliff (sea) cave above, and looking across the saddle valley to the opposite walls of the escarpment

Our wildest speculation stirred a picture in ancient times when this was the only passing point at low tide from one vast section of land to another surrounded by a sea that was a few hundred feet deeper than now. The deliberate petroglyph - understood in the language of the time; indicating the crossing point of safety..... Or is it just a spectacular natural formation?
We will stick with our imaginings until it can be proved otherwise.
The implications of a possible intelligent sign in one location of the desert, reaches far beyond curiosity if taken together with other indicators of habitation. This is so when their locations correspond above an ancient sea level. Ancient archeological studies concentrate pre-dynastic times on a people who used stone tools and had not even learned to use the wheel. Yet in human terms over a very short time, these same people had somehow leapt into ultra sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, geometry, and fabulous stone and hydro engineering. As the following excellent site link shows, there is an abundance of information speculating the Neolithic transformation into the known roots of Egypt. These paint the picture of an accidental spread of people, following the seasonal flooding of a vast stinking marshland.
There is little discussion of the implications arising out of sustained higher sea levels.Fabulous stone engineering found below ground or below sea level from a much earlier time exists as an inconvenience that defies the apparently solid archeology. Relative studies are never made, and any open discussion on finds that may improve our knowledge of these earlier times must be welcomed.
Learn here about the geological history of the Western desert. Note how this account gives little reference to inundations suffered throughout the prehistoric periods. The shores created by these floods would naturally prescribe lines of any developing human habitation.
Some very good material on studies of ancient art etc. in the desert:
On one side of the fence, there is the structured approach developed by the archeologist and the dedicated Egyptologist who adhere to the almost Darwinian evolution of Egypt.
On the other side of the fence there are those who say there was an incursion of much higher knowledge which gave Egypt a civilized kick-start many thousands of years previously.
Between the two there is a conundrum. What is the source for the sudden sophistication of knowledge which pre dated modern Egypt? There is one theory we would propose that makes both sides right!
Just suppose there ‘was’ an ancient civilization who were responsible for Astro aligned super pyramid and temple designs; and were the source of the amazing knowledge replicated in some of the buried and submerged stonework now being discovered.
Let us imagine the world suffered a huge cataclysm, leading to unimaginable inundation with only a few survivors across the globe. The human Genome project tells us that our genetic origins narrowed to when there was a comparatively tiny pool of humans; only explainable in time, through the effect of a global catastrophe. It is also said that before such a catastrophe it would be reasonable to expect the pool of living humans to have been greater, like the shape of an hourglass narrowing as the planet was decimated, and evolving again as we repopulated to modern day.
Could it be that the very ancient knowledge really was preserved by an elite few, and released back into Egypt’s early culture advisedly? Could it be that pre-dynastic man had little interest in the very few prominent remains of that earlier time? Then as the dynasties unfolded, the roots of Egypt were shaped by the remains of that knowledge to utilize the designs and stonework of the former glory.
Perhaps so, and if so, the explanation would explain so much. Egypt may feel its heritage would be diluted if such a possibility were proved when in fact it would be strengthened. Egypt would be recognised as a rightful cradle of civilization.
Furthermore, if such a possibility could be openly demonstrated, there would be no room for the clandestine seekers with an agenda to acquire any still hidden privileged knowledge from ancient times!
We will continue to investigate the strange sign on the limestone sea saddle, and all other clues we found. We will continue to share this here with you, so you may participate in the detective story. We have many leads from readers to follow up on this subject and others to follow. This will take some time, but we will continue to openly feed back to you all as we are able. Thank you all for your interest. Please keep communicating on the sites or directly with us on the following link.
Continued associated research:
Tell us what you think. Feed back to us on the mail link below, and as elsewhere, notible replies will be added with credit to this article.
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Now read a few comments from other favourite Forums & Groups...
From :
Wearer of Hats : An old waterway flowing in particular circumstances, producing debris. Possibly an Islamic way station
Person from Porlock Fossil weathering out of the rock.
From :;f=15;t=000925
Brig: Looks artificial from distance, but real from close up.
Rock Gate: Looks like its from this link area? Endorses evidence from Google earth showing inundation wash etc.
(The actual area is within the Fayum catchment. R.G.)
From :
Mike White : (part repeated here) ...Some books suggest that Egypt was once a colony of India, before 11,000 bce, and
called necropan. Animals not like modern ones. our historians date the first dynasty of Egypt to about 3000
bce, but this was long after the golden age of Egypt. Cayce stated that there were over 3,000 pharaohs. he
told of a conference of world sages that met in upper Egypt 10.5 mya! since then the sea covered Egypt for
500,000 years, and it has been above sea level another 500,000 years. we have only examined the tail of the
elephant, as to Egyptian history. We may be disappointed searching for thetombs of the earlier pharaohs,
since before 10,000 bce most advanced cultures cremated the dead, or returned the forces to the source thru
the unfed maxin fire. they didn’t want the ka getting into mischief. We normally think of Atlantis when we
imagine an advanced culture before the last pole shift, and its resulting ice-age, but the Atlanteans were no
match for Egypt,due to its ability to use night-side forces militarily, circa 11,155 bce, according to Phylos the
Thibetan. They could will the destruction of aircraft 40,000 ft high, or an entire army. Africa gained in
territory when Atlantis sank. (Request for more data on high water levels etc.)
Obeyone : Pic shows nothing artificially engineered in it. "more likely from the effects of an ancient deep sea pounding
and pouring across the narrows." remember that the region suffered 2 major floods about 5,000 years ago,
including one that involved flipping of the north & south magnetic poles of the planet when Venus passed
close by when it joined the solar system. The results of that one were cataclysmic catastrophic world wide.
King Midaz : You are talking about around 1,500 bc. there seems to be a westward migration of the hyksos into egypt and
the Olmecs coming into mexico this same time...
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