Introducing.. The Strange Archway (Alien?) Figure of Nazlet Village
Reference the publication: Structure and Significance / Thoughts on Ancient Egyptian Architechture/ Editor Peter Janosi 2005 // ...From P.305 / Zahi Hawass / Khufu's National Project : The Great Pyramid of Giza in the year 2528 BC.
In this publication Zahi Hawass positions the Palace of Khufu under the existing village of Nazlet el-Samaan. The proposal is based on known archaeology and is backed by the published work of Mark Lehner.
Legend tells of a very ancient time when our kind was seeded from beyond Earth. Legend also tells of a time when the earth faced catastrophe and our ancestors placed their accumulated knowlege into safety below the Giza plateau.
If this is only half true, it would require the rewriting of our entire religeous and social history. It would require a paradigm shift in our thinking.
The allegation endures therefore that anything discovered which lends creedence to the alternate past - is made to disappear - so as to keep the truthful audit trail broken forever!
However it is fair to ask: Could some evidence slip through? Logic dictates that this must be the case... even if it was only the shadow of something very ancient and more real than we could imagine. Bear these possibilities in mind as you read here about the figure on the archway in the village of Nazlet el-Samaan. It sits 30 meters above the ground where the palace of Khufu is proposed to be awaiting re-discovery !!
What do You think it represents ? Read all about it below

Judith captured these images among many other strange similar images as we explored around the passageways of Nazlet village. It survives as an old archway, leading from and to nothing of any apparent consequence. I will talk you through its features and maybe a visitor here will be able to offer a better interpretation. We will publish any replies at the end of this page.

Who can read the inscriptions below,taken from the arch ? It is the best I could do to lift the writing from the archway above the alien type figure and on the cat like figures, (see below). My efforts are probably not entirely accurate, and the left hand inscription was gone completely; but it should be enough for a visitor / scholar to interpret. Please get in touch via the following link if you can help.
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We spent some time in the village and were spoiled for choice with so many intriguing things to see.
Throughout, there are a multitude of different styles of architechture ranging through modern brick and concrete block, to naturally carved stone, mud brick and many instances looking like very old cast stone.
It was often possible to pick out in exposed places where modern construction had taken place above mud brick, but with much deeper foundation constructions of granite, limestone, or cast stone. There are many places these can be easily chronicled - where mud bricks were used to scribe new walls around deeper massive stones.
Most amazing were the pieces of very old architechture which survived only because it had been incorporated into the modern day primitave shanty house buildings; just like the archway shown above. These examples, completely anonymous to the locals, show very unusual reliefs that seem completely out of place. The pics above are a first example, and the spaceman may not be a spaceman? The animals may be pure innocent symbolisim. The writing may have been scratched into the surface of the stone much later. At least we hope among the visitors here there may be experts who will be able to translate the writing for us. We throw this and any other feature open to suggestions. If you can help at all, please E Mail on the following link for now, and as stated, we will publish any notable comments.
The archway below for example is to be found on the opposite side of the buildings where the original arch is situated.
The archways bound an area where any former building is now gone. All that is left behind is a levelled patch of bare ground and you can see a little of this from a later photograph.
We found it quite amazing that given the world wide interest and the number of tourists and professionals who visit Giza, there is only a tiny amount of information published about Nazlet el Samaan. The following link gives an idea of what there is to be found.
The Village of Nazlet is filled with weird architectural anomalies which reflect many different aspects of cultural and religious difference. We have a large number of pics taken around the narrow streets of the village and these will be displayed with comments in the gallery section soon. Perhaps published material detailing the chronology and content is kept tucked away behind university or government office doors.
The public fascination with Giza, Nazlet, and the prize of antiquity which surely lies below its buildings, begs for the open publication of a historical survey of the area. We still hope that others who live there or who have seriously explored there will be able to assist with the story of the archways we have shown here.
Further down this page you will be able to read a roundup of the comments offered on various favourite Forums and Group sites about the arches. The same is true for the next page about the anomoly in the desert.We will continue to assist if anyone wishes to contact us for further information about them. Obviously also, the original high definition photographs give much more detail, and we have already shared these with some who have demonstrated a wish to
seriously help with the investigation. Contact link:
I spent some time playing with the contrasts and colours in the photographs in order to do the representative drawings of the writing on the (alien) arch. The writing could belong to the time of its construction. It could relate to the carved reliefs, or it could have been added later.Clearly the writing needs to be translated, and we hope a visitor here may be able to do just that. At least a translation may help to decipher the rest of the arch symbolism.The drawings are undoubtedly not completely accurate, but hopefully they are close enough for someone to understand what they say.
It is important to highlight the need for vigilance while checking these anomalies as the following example shows.
The link to the following pics were from here:
Taken from the Tomb of Ptahhotpe, Mastabas, N.Saqqara, the pics appear to show the image of another similar alien form. However the scene only depicts an elaborate vase brimming with food offerings.

The Abduction of the Alien !
Towards the end of 2009 we returned to take another look at the Archway. Within moments of our arrival this time we were being noticed by unfriendly people who began to gather close to us and take an interest. Very quickly we were able to take a look through the crack in the door as you can see the middle pic below. There was unexplainabe tension in the air and we had to extract ourselves quickly from the situation.
So the question is: What is so significant about this archway that it now attracts so much interest, especially when strangers appear. What would be such a significance that persons unknown would try to deface it since our first visit?
Take a look below to see what damage has been done to it. Further down this page you will see 2010 updated material that may offer a few explanations!


Since these photographs were taken, a lot has happened. There was the illegal dig in the village leading to the suspicious deaths of several men.
There were the announcements of various suspicious archaeological activities on the plateau and elsewhere. There were the fanatical efforts from lofty levels to squash the reputations and information being revealed by some on anything to do with the village and the plateau.
We do know however that information is coming closer and closer to the surface for the likely presence of huge ancient archaeology beneath the village, and other tenuous links to ancient associated technology.
Update as @ 21st May 2009
We were contacted recently by Alfred Ghazzi BSc. Alfred has a degree in Archetechture and within Military service has been involved particularly in the design of Air Force Military buildings. He is currently a software developer but for over a decade and half has studied and researched in areas such as Theology, History, Ufology, Archaeology and the Paranormal. Alfred has provided us with an invaluable translation of the writing above the archways and has given us other links, and solid information with opinion about the nature and dating for the stonework. Rather than trying to badly paraphrase Alfred's words, I reproduce them below for your consideration.
Alfred : ...The writing is in Arabic…
The first one from the right is almost not readable. The middle 4 read as follows: “In the name of the merciful God”. It is used before reciting Islamic prayer.
· The first one of the four = “In the name of”
· The second = “God”
· The third = “the merciful” in a sense that he can be merciful
· The fourth = “the merciful” in the sense that he is merciful
The fifth is a name: The first part of the name in Arabic is pronounced as “Ismaeel” (English maybe as is “Ishmael”) the second part is either “Hamdi” or “Mahdi”. Both are Arabic names. It is more of “Ismaeel Hamdi” than “Ismaeel Mahdi”
I used the actual pictures to read the writing. So if you have a better picture of the first lion (or cat) send it to me and I’ll translate it for you…
I sent Alfred copies of the original pictures along with this note :
Another part of examining the pictures was to try and determine if the whole wall and arch sections belonged together, or if they had been rebuilt from different walling. There was also the question as to whether the writing had been added at a later time anyway? We felt there may be much to understand from the stylizing of the stonework and also in particular from all the figures which may be stylized icons representing a religious story or ideal. However our lack of Middle Eastern historical religious knowledge let us down again
Alfred wrote back ;
Yes, as I was suspecting the writing on the right lion or cat is a name: 1 + 2 + Abu Khatab
1: most probably reads Hamdy or “Hameedi” (Unusual or very uncommon form of the name) or Mahdi
2: The first 3 letters are either Watho…. Or Matho… or Wasso… The first letter is either a W or M. If it is a W it could either be part of the word (or the name) itself or separate.
If it was separate then it reads as “AND” (in Arabic “AND” is represented with a single letter “W” pronounced as “WoW”) so it could read Hamdy and Tho… father of Khatab. I think this is unlikely and the W (if it was a W and not an M) is part of the word following it. Abu Khatab mean “father of Khatab” and Khatab is old Arabic name.
The lions are very familiar to me. I’ve seen them before somewhere else but unfortunately
I cannot remember where. But definitely I did… I hope I’ll remember and point you to them.
My first impression when I saw the pictures, I felt exactly the same: (Re: Architechture)
The structure is made of 2 parts each from a different era.
The writing of the “In the name of the merciful God” felt as if it was a later addition, engraved at a later time. I say that with some extent of certainty. The reason I cite is very simple: When an Islamic building is built with holy writings on it, the builders and architects will go to the nth degree to apply art, harmony and emphasis to the writings.
For example, the writings should have been engraved in a more centralized position on the arch and arch details should have filled the gaps between the words. What we have here is the opposite which tells me it has been added some time later.
The lions or the cats on the sides, from memory, remind me (not sure though) of artwork from the period of either the Dawla Al-Umaweya or the Dawla Al-Abaseeya period (More of the latter than the former) . See the following links for more info on these two periods.
We are very much indebted to Alfred for his efforts and interest, and hope this will persuade
others to come forward with similar help or clarification on this mystery and on others featured
via the Links page on separate pages. (We are working on other leads now)
Now read some of the comments made by others.......
From :
Wearer of Hats : Animals seem to be some sort of quadruped more feline then Hyena. Possibly
Tiger. Signs of contact with India? Animal-headed gods maybe a sign of cultural
Ashiene: Engraving of a deformed baby
Person from Porlock: A badly done human figure. Mixed up animal possibly copulating dogs.
Lt Ripley: Keystone not sloppy in context. Normal animal/ mythical creature depictions.
Wishes for writing to be deciphered.
Slave2Fate: Answers needed on age of village/gate/political-religious history, to possibly tie
depiction of religious/authority figure.
Donteatus: Looks like formed concrete & maybe modern connections.
From :;f=15;t=000925
Orion Van Koch: Looks like modern concrete casting to create mystery.
Brig : Does not look old. Looks like concrete. That portal could be less than
100 years old
Rock Gate: Possibly uncovered and incorporated like the sphinx from antiquity.
Cat image draws links to Mesopotamia
Volitzer: It is a Grey.
Smiley4554 : I'm going to look at this a bit further, Messenger, but I would guess that the
archway itself is old, but the detail is too good to be very old. Very little erosion
exists considering the fact that it is open to the weather above. The stains are a
good indicator of age as well. The stains on the right side are the same in color
as the building on the right indicating that it was either stained on purpose, or
stained by salt-water since the little place is next to water. Above the left cat,
however, is another stained area, but has a snow-white arch surrounding part
of the stain - a clear indication of patch work.The arch doesn't appear to have the
same age as the buildings on either side which do seem to have a whole lot of
erosion and cracks indicative of age. In a search on the cats, I found this image.
Cats were very important in Egypt as everyone knows.The contrast with door #2
is really the telling of the ages. The second door is quite a bit older, obviously.
The definition of the design has a worn look as well as breaks and cracks as well.
The figures are not as defined, and show extreme aging, and while the figures
on the right seem to be something fighting or mating dancing with a lion, it's
really hard to tell. The very work itself seems much more primitive compared to
the #1. My thought is that door #1 is without a doubt was built much later than
door #2. As to the little "grey" figure...well, stranger things have been seen.
Either it is a joke, someone placed it there because they saw it, or it's a bad
replica of whatever it's supposed to be.
From :
Native Shu : Sees movements toward phi, pi e. Sees a Lion/Roo mix in the pic.
Logical Cosmic Rat: Alien (with curled hair?) does remind me of some of the 'fertility' goddess
from about 20,000 years ago. Definitely cow & cat gods from back when.
Will check in some personal reference books. We should check any finds from more
than 8 thousand years ago for a clue. Also sees a Lion/Roo mix in the pic.
Motus: The first figure looks like a man in a turban, and the Arabic (?) writing surrounding
him looks like a good match so I don't think it was inscribed later. The animals
might be astrological...was this a doorway in an ancient Muslim university?
Orphia: First impressions are that it's just bad or primitive artwork. They started carving a
man from the top down, and had to squish in a small body.
Walking Owl: I would get a hold of Gary at this site I have high regard for some of the work on ancient things done there.
High Flier: The last photograph on page one could almost be a representation of a present
day cultural icon.
In-Dn : Page 1, if you use the reverse imaging deciphering techniques it's a Man,
Alien or God in the mouth of a serpent (most likely a cobra) the cobras scales go
down the side of the archway. the Cobras fangs are above the man figure.
Reverse imaging is also called Sacred Geometry it uses bi-lateral symmetry as a
visual language. Here's a link to some examples of reverse imaging deciphering
techniques. it's an ancient system where things not seen with the normal eye can
finally be seen. Put cursor over image to see roll-over of deciphered image. Egyptian Hieroglyphics
use this same technique as ancient Indigenous peoples of the whole world. It
was the language before the written word. We can decipher the archway but,
I need to get the image to the group & I'll get back to you.
Rael : There as a book published several years ago showing how old South American
representations could be rotated around clearly marked pivot points in the imagery,
to blend into other images, depending on the pivot point selected. The
Tutankhamun Prophecies by Maurice Cotterell.
From :
Isisofthelotus: Amazed at different architecture in Nazlet (reference personal 6 week trip to Egypt.)
From :
Duane Richtsmeier:I’ve seen similar etchings in some pictures of the stone work in the south
American ruins and the Sumerian finds! Looks ET to me!
Mike White : Obviously reused earlier components. Script and animals are a time key for
identification. Reminders of earlier Indian writing. Some books suggest that Egypt
was once a colony of India, before 11,000 bce, and called necropan. Animals not
like modern ones. our historians date the first dynasty of Egypt to about 3000 bce,
but this was long after the golden age of Egypt. Cayce stated that there were over
3,000 pharaohs. he told of a conference of world sages that met in upper Egypt
10.5 mya! since then the sea covered Egypt for 500,000 years, and it has been
above sea level another 500,000 years. we have only examined the tail of the
elephant, as to Egyptian history. We may be disappointed searching for the
tombs of the earlier pharaohs, since before 10,000 bce most advanced cultures
cremated the dead, or returned the forces to the source thru the unfed maxin fire.
they didn’t want the ka getting into mischief. We normally think of Atlantis when
we imagine an advanced culture before the last pole shift, and its resulting ice-age,
but the Atlanteans were no match for Egypt,due to its ability to use night-side
forces militarily, circa 11,155 bce, according to Phylos the Thibetan. They could will
the destruction of aircraft 40,000 ft high, or an entire army. Africa gained in
territory when Atlantis sank. A request for more data on high water levels etc.
From :
Isis: The image character on the left (Roo type animal pic) for some reason makes
me think of the Dogon tribes reference and belief of the water reptilian people
that had come and lived among them.
Cambodia: Dinosaur images noticed in temple ruin Links to Cambodia temple reliefs.
From :
Ddleisure : Links suggested by David …to pursue search further….John Anthony West ....William Henry
...Whitley Strieber
From :
Obeyone : Believed drawings were typical primitive mind level drawings, as per 6/8 yrs old
sons; & earlier mankind e.g. of several thousand years ago were on a similar level
of artistry.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and comments.
Please keep them coming
We are following a bunch of leads now, and we will continue to update with new info.
This particular investigation will be helped when we get some of the other pics from the village on to these pages for you to examine.
AND NOW.....
The Sad Disappearance of the Nazlet Alien
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