What The Beep are These ?
So!! ..All you armchair experts. Take a look at the items below and YOU tell us what they are.
We have included the general location of where they were found but the rest is up to you.
Use the message board at the bottom of the page to reply with your answers or speculations
(A) These objects were from of a batch found wedged beside an underground tomb very close to Giza

(B) Note the side decoration and the apparrent start of some symbols or script lower right.


(D) (E)
(F) (G) Note how tiny crystals were inset for the eyes.
(H) Notice the faint markings on the surface (I)
(J) (K) Believed worn markings on the base also
(L) (M)
The following part fossilised skeleton was found trapped between hundreds of tons of boulders at what was the entrance to
a huge cave in the escarpment, collapsed presumably from ancient earthquake activity? It looks like vertebra, but from what creature?
Whatever it was must have been caught in the actual rock collapse in this barren location way out in the Western Desert south of Fayoum. It would take a fully equipped expedition to search further, but the cave complex, though still big, must have been massive before the collapse. Collapsed Cave views first .....
...and here is the partly calcified section of backbone
This is the top piece of a plynth dicovered in barren desert half way between Giza and Hawara. What does it say? What is it from? It is known that finds are made from searches throughout the whole area between Giza and Hawara. Finds are by accident mainly, but also from local 'quiet' searches.
Shoe found in a high cave in another part of the same desert area, now almost inaccessable.

This was also found way out in the Western Desert, in a vast area that has much evidence of ancient occupation.
It may be natural.. But maybe not...?

We have often wondered about these strange formations, seen only occasionally around the escarpments in the desert.
Can you identify them for us?

This piece of metal once again, found in the same vast catchment, may be just one of the natural pieces of ore
found everywhere on the surface. (Found near caves) But could it otherwise be a small corroded buckle?
Now it is Your turn!
It is good to just look, but here is your opportunity to actually contribute. Are you able to shed any light or knowledge on the items above? Sensible speculations or comments are welcome. Please use the Message Board below to reference an item and tell us what you think.
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