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© by Brian Preston for viewzone
He took me into Jackie's room... I was powerless to resist Of all the immoral and corrupt presidents that we have had in my lifetime, the one shining example of a good leader whose time was cut short is John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I was just 13 years old when he was assassinated. I remember that we were all sent home from school and the whole family gathered around the black and white television, crying and feeling sorry for his widow and children. Years later, when I graduated from university, I got a job as a social worker with the Department of Public Welfare. It was the custom in those days to make home visits before certifying a client for monthly payments. By then, Martin Luther King and Kennedy's younger brother, Robert, had also been gunned down. The trilogy of lost heros were often displayed in the living rooms that I visited, especially among Blacks and Peurto Ricans, on felt paintings that hung in back of the color television sets. The large TV cabinets served as a kind of altar and usually held a night light in the shape of praying hands.
![]() The Kennedy legend endured, even when scandals were disclosed about his affair with Marilyn Monroe. After all, Marilyn was an icon of sexual desire. My father even had a set of Marilyn Monroe playing cards depicting her naked body lying on a red silk sheet. It would have been a full set except for the Joker that I stole and kept in my wallet.
![]() Perhaps the misgivings of Kennedy were excused because of his courageous leadership in the Cuban Missile Crisis, where he is credited with averting WW3. Perhaps his use of meth-amphetamines was forgiven because he suffered terrible back pains. Perhaps his well known lust for sex on a daily basis was something that came along with the job and was a fringe benefit for any powerful leader. In a recent biography about Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader, it was revealed that he had sex as many as three times a day -- each time with a different young woman. But this most recent revelation about JFK is different. It shows a man who is insensitive and egotistical to the point where he not only abuses a teenage girl, an intern in the White House, but asks her to perform oral sex on members of his staff while he watched. Read on... Former White House intern Mimi Alford says JFK 'took her virginity', told her to perform sex acts on his friend while he watched, made her take drugs, but never kissed her on the lips... at one point she thought she was pregnant with JFK's child and he offered to arrange an illegal abortion. Yes, read on... By Lee Moran, posted in The Daily Mail.
A retired church worker has revealed how John F Kennedy took her virginity during a debauched 18-month affair while she was a teenage White House intern. Mimi Alford says she felt powerless to resist the late U.S. president as he pulled her into 'Mrs Kennedy's room' and seduced her on his wife’s bed. Other claims in her newly published autobiography include that he made her inhale a sex drug during a party at Bing Crosby's ranch and coerced her to perform a sex act on an aide while he looked on. When she thought -- wrongly -- that she was pregnant by the president, that same aide arranged for her to see an abortion doctor, even though abortion was illegal at the time.
![]() Mimi Alford today (left) and when she was JFK's girlfriend (right) Mrs Alford's claims are the most in-depth account of their liaisons so far published. They reveal how Kennedy never kissed her and ignored her whenever his wife was around. She never even called him 'Jack', always addressing him as 'Mr President' -- even when they were in bed together. Their affair began in the summer of 1962, lasting until Kennedy was assassinated the following November. Mrs Alford, then just 19 years old and with the maiden name Beardsley, had begun a job in the president's press office. After meeting Kennedy she says he asked to give her a personal tour. With his staff drinking cocktails just down the corridor, she claims he led her into Jackie Kennedy's room where he took off her clothes without saying a word. When she momentarily resisted his advances, Kennedy asked: 'Haven't you done this before?', to which she replied: 'No.' He continued anyway, she says, adding: 'On the ride home, it kept echoing in my head, I'm not a virgin any more.' Mrs Alford, now a 69-year-old grandmother, also tells of a party at the ranch of Crosby. When a reveller passed around a tray of sex drug amyl nitrate (aka "poppers"), she writes that the president asked her if she wanted to try it. 'I said no,' she recalls, 'but he just went ahead and popped the capsule and held it under my nose. I ran crying from the room.' As to why she allowed the affair to happen, she admits: 'The fact that I was being desired by the most famous and powerful man in America only amplified my feelings to the point where resistance was out of the question.' Alford, who ironically went to the same Miss Porter's school as JFK's wife Jackie, described Kennedy as 'playful', the sex as 'varied and fun' and said he could be 'seductive and playful'. She said they spent a lot of time 'taking baths' and that if they spent the night together, she would wear his own soft-blue cotton nightshirts. But she also revealed complications in the relationship, saying they never kissed, and that she was often subjected to a 'waiting game' where she was told to stay in her hotel until he called for her. There is also a dark undertone to some of Kennedy's actions in the book, such as when he 'forced' her to sniff amyl nitrate, commonly known as poppers, during a Hollywood party at Bing Crosby's desert ranch. She said: 'I was sitting next to him in the living room when a handful of yellow capsules -- most likely amyl nitrate, commonly known as poppers -- was offered up by one of the guests. 'The president asked me if I wanted to try the drug, which stimulated the heart but also purportedly enhanced sex. 'I said no, but he just went ahead and popped the capsule and held it under my nose. He didn't try it himself. This was a new sensation, and it frightened me. I panicked and ran crying from the room.'
'It was a dare, but I knew exactly what he meant. This was a challenge to give Dave Powers oral sex. I don't think the president thought I'd do it, but I'm ashamed to say that I did... The president silently watched,' she said. During the October 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, where the U.S. and USSR had a nuclear stand-off, he reportedly told her that: 'I'd rather my children red than dead.' And Alford, then Mimi Beardsley, also tells of how she erroneously believed at one point she was pregnant with JFK's child, and another moment of when her lover reached out to her following the death of his infant son Patrick Bouvier Kennedy. She wrote: 'I had never seen real grief in my relatively short life. He invited me upstairs, and we sat outside on the balcony in the soft summer evening air. There was a stack of condolence letters on the floor next to his chair, and he picked each one up and read it aloud to me... Occasionally, tears rolling down his cheeks, he would write something on one of the letters, probably notes for a reply. But mostly he just read them and cried. I did, too.' Alford said she saw President Kennedy for the final time at The Carlyle hotel in Manhattan on November 15, 1963, just a week before his assassination in Dallas. At this point she was due to be married to her college sweetheart, Tony Fahnestock. 'He took me in his arms for a long embrace and said, "I wish you were coming with me to Texas." And then he added, "I'll call you when I get back." I was overcome with sudden sadness. "Remember, Mr President, I'm getting married." '"I know that," he said, and shrugged. 'But I'll call you anyway.'"
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TOP 5 SEX SCANDALS IN THE WHITE HOUSE Courtesy of news.discovery.com: #1 President Bill Clinton President Bill Clinton is attributed to one of the largest sex scandals to hit the White House in modern times. In 1998, Clinton was struck with various sexual misconduct allegations, including sexual relationships with Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones. In the deposition for the Jones case, he denied having sexual relations with White House intern Lewinsky. This denial became the basis for an impeachment charge of perjury.
![]() His sexual infidelity was not the focus of the impeachment, but as it was central to the case a special prosecutor was called in, and during questioning Clinton famously remarked, "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is," with regard to whether he had ever had relations with Lewinsky or if he was at the time of the questioning. Ultimately, President Clinton was impeached, but not removed from office. #2 President Thomas Jefferson President Thomas Jefferson was a writer of the Declaration of Independence, our country's third president and one of the great minds of our early democracy. Jefferson lived in his home, Monticello, southwest of Washington, D.C. owning slaves to maintain his house and estate. With one of those, Sally Hemings, historians believe he fathered multiple children, the first when she was only 17. When the scandal broke, Jefferson had only been in office for a year and he remained silent on the issue. Jefferson's will decreed that Sally was allowed to live with her children, though she was not officially freed. He may have fathered as many as six children throughout their relationship. #3 Presidential Candidate Strom Thurmond Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) is one of the United States' longest-serving members of Congress, serving until he was 100. He ran for president in 1948 as the candidate from the States Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrat). After his death in 2003, it was revealed that the one-time South Carolina segregationist fathered a daughter out of wedlock with an African-American maid who worked in his family home. Carrie Butler, the 16-year-old maid, birthed a daughter, named Essie Mae Washington-Williams. Thurmond paid for his daughter to go to college and allegedly supported her with money occasionally. But he never formally admitted parentage. The Thurmond family acknowledged her when Washington-Williams admitted the bloodline in 2003. She was 78 years old. #4 Presidential Candidate Gary Hart Senator Hart (D-Colo.) was a major candidate for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination. A few weeks after he announced his candidacy, Hart challenged the mass media to put a tail on him. He asserted in a New York Times interview that whoever got the job would find it "boring." The day that interview ran in the Times, the Miami Herald published that model Donna Rice had left Hart's Washington, D.C. townhome the night before. Two days later the Herald received a tip that Hart had spent the night on a yacht with a woman who was not his wife. A few days after that, a photo surfaced with Rice sitting on Hart's lap while he wore a shirt bearing the yacht's name; ironically called "Monkey Business." He dropped out of the race a week after the story broke, not even a month after his official announcement. #5 Presidential Candidate Wilbur Mills Representative Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.) was a powerful Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee for 18 years (1957-1975). His position made him very a powerful figure in the U.S. House of Representatives, which made him well known in the District of Columbia. In 1974, a car was pulled over by U.S. Park Police driving without headlights on at 2 AM. When the police came to the vehicle they discovered Mills severely intoxicated and transporting Annabelle Battistella, a stripper from Argentina whose stage name was Fanne Foxe. As police approached, Battistella lept from the car and into the Tidal Basin to escape. Mills stepped down from his post a year later to treat his admitted alcoholism.