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By Dan Eden
"I believe that this nation should commit itself, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth ... no single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long range exploration of space."
With his speech on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the conquest of the Moon as a national goal. The space program, through NASA, was to have far reaching effects, developing new technologies and forcing the nation's schools to emphasize the teaching of science and mathematics. It was a dramatic cultural revolution that eventually brought us things like velcro, Star Trek and the internet.
But even before it started, our exploration of the Moon was destined to be short-lived. Despite all the promises and science fiction movies, humans would not build bases on the Moon, mine for minerals or use it as a stepping stone to other planets. In fact, the Moon would soon be forgotten and ignored by space research -- why?
Carefully Scripted
The first Moon landing by humans was in 1969 when Apollo 11 took the "giant step for mankind." The American taxpayers, who spent billions of dollars on the space program, were treated to televised interviews with the astronauts as they sped towards their landing site. Televisions were set up in classrooms and the world watched as this great event happened live before our eyes.
But years after the event, retired astronaut, Buzz Aldrin, revealed that everything we saw and heard was carefully scripted and rehearsed -- with the astronauts even using cue cards to describe their impressions of the distant Earth and the surface of the Moon! Apparently NASA was frightened that something might accidentally be revealed to the millions of viewers.
It's pretty well known that giant stage sets were constructed to simulate the Moon's surface and that models of the Lunar Module were filmed with actors wearing space suits. NASA denies that these simulations were ever substituted for the actual manned landing on the Moon. But the question persists -- why were they made?
Secret Tapes
There were six manned landings on the Moon as part of the Apollo space program. Before they landed, astronauts orbited the Command Module and took photographs of various features. While the televised interviews were carefully scripted, so were the conversations between the astronauts and Mission Control in Houston which were recorded and broadcasted on both radio and television.
But there was another tape that recorded the private conversations between the astronauts. Their observations were synchronized with a mission clock so that their exact position over the Moon could later be determined.
These cockpit tapes were transcribed following the missions and were not released to the public for over twelve years. When they were finally exposed, they revealed many of the surprises that NASA did not want the public to know.
LMP: That's a spectacular crater.
CDR: Did you shoot some pictures while you were over there?
CMP: No. it's just going by -- we'd better get it later; there will be better times. If the damned antenna isn't in the way --
CMP: Boy, there must be nothing more desolate than to be inside some of these small craters, these conical ones.
CDR: People that live in there probably never get out.
CDR: Looking at the Moon hurts my head. I won't look at it. There's too much down there I don't understand.
CDR: Charlie, just keep ... on the book.
LMP: That's why I'm purging the fuel cell.
CDR: Oh.
LMP: I tell you, when we get down to 8 miles, we're gonna really look like we're down among them.
CDR: Sure are.
[Apollo 14 day 4]
CMP: Boy, I'm sure glad we cut out that TV show.
LMP: Yes.
CMP: It really worried me, when I saw where it was. Glad we got sort of a pseudoexcuse -- to cut it out.
LMP: Yes, there it is.
CMP: This is really something. The most unreal looking real thing I've ever seen. If that makes any sense (laughter).
LMP: Probably not.
CDR: ...Yes, it is ... vegetation. Something as common reference, you know -- familiar reference. So you don't know how far above you are. So it makes it look like the scale is...
CMP: There's our Loveletts again. Little Lovelett. That's oriented like that. Okay ... That is Chaplygin ...
LMP: Which one's Chaplygin?
CMP: It's off my side.
LMP: Are we headed for Mendeleev?
CMP: That should be over on your right.
LMP: That's what I thought. Yes. There it is. The tracks are across the middle of it.
CMP: Are we supposed to be doing any photography at all this?
LMP: I have got crater King out here, Stu, if you were looking for it.
CMP: Yes, that's one of our targets. That's one of Farouk's favorite craters.
LMP: Pretty damn interesting one, too. Really an interesting one. Huh? That one... looks like... got a rugged one right out here -- with the central peaks.
CMP: Oh God, look at that Moltke; he's my favorite... Look at that son of a bitch. You see all those roads -- triangular roads leaing right past him?
[tape 17-03417/page 2]
...flowed into that little -- domical structure before the domes were built, or else -- all of that stuff that's in the mare floor has flown out of that domical structure before the domes came in. In other words, the domical structures themselves are a different time relationship to the floor itself. They are younger than the floor itself.
LMP: Boy, you can see Highway 1 running right all the way -- on the left -- all the way up there already. Right beyond Moltke, to the left there.
CMP: Yes.
CDR: Just let's see where U.S. 1 stops up here. Here's the monocular if you want it.
CDR: U.S. 1 just seems to kind of die out down there.
CMP: Yes, they must have ran out of money before they finished building it.
[Apollo 11]
MISSION CONTROL: What's there?...malfunction (garble)...Mission Control calling Apollo 11...
APOLLO 11: These babies were huge, sir...enormous...Oh, God you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there...lined up on the far side of the crater edge...they're on the Moon watching us... "
[Apollo 14, Day 4]
CMP: High Sun. That's one right down there; just shows how it dominates the whole phorograph. Just an extremely bright crater. Sun angle just isn't high enough for you to see it here ... Yes, they're mining it, I think.

Towers, some several miles high, and complex constructions [above] were photographed on the Moon and blurred before release to the public. (thanks to
Aliens warn: Don't Come Back!
As reported on, a certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.
Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.
Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?
Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!... and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally-NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.
Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell disclosed recently that "we have been visited..." and that he knows aliens exist and look pretty much like the short, thin ones in the movies. When he was asked if these were the same beings encountered on the Moon, he declined to answer.
McMoon Tapes: lost and found
NASA apparently became aware of alien visitors on the Moon shortly after taking up President Kennedy's challenge. From 1966 through 1967 they sent five Lunar Obiter satellites to circle and photograph the linar surface and select potential landing sites for the manned landings. The orbiters were very sophisticated and contained highly classified cameras which could supposedly "photograph and read a gum wrapper on a street in NY City..."
The satellites photographed the Moon, developed the film on board and then scanned the film with an analog process whose data was then transmitted by radio to Earth receivers and stored on 2-inch magnetic tape. Each hi-resolution image was 28 x 30 inches when completed.
The first three orbiters photographed the visible side of the linar surface while the last two concentrated on the far side. The photographs were scrutinized at the same time NASA was already making final plans for the manned Apollo missions. Apparently, some of the things on these images were responsible for the secrecy and theatrics that have recently been revealed.
After the final manned Moon landing on December 11th, 1972, NASA terminated the entire lunar expedition -- this despite the fact that the next Saturn V rocket, lunar module and astronauts were already paid for and waiting to be deployed. It was apparent that something -- or someone -- had warned earthlings to stay away from the Moon.

Like the final scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, the Lunar Orbiter tapes were quickly lost and the evidence of lunar anomalies was hidden from the public. They apparently found their way to a large warehouse, deep inside a salt mine, where they were accidentally discovered in 1988.
Not sure what they were, the tapes were examined by JPL and NASA and identified; but they could not be viewed because of the unique code which could only be read by an Ampex FR900 tape recorder (the first real video tape recorder) which was used to create the tapes.
An Ampex FR900 was eventually rescued from storage in a chicken coop and with some tweeking it was determined that it could read the thousands of tapes, comprising 2000 lunar images and weighing 48,000 pounds. In 1992 NASA sought funds to decode the images for historical purposed but no funding was forthcoming (no surprise). Several years passed.
A couple of years ago, a group of individuals decided to try and accomplish the decoding themselves. They apparently had enough skill to convince the JPL to release the tapes and Ampex FR900 units (they eventually found two) and all were moved to an abandoned McDonalds restaurant located on the Moffett Federal Airfield in Santa Clara County, California. Here the task of decoding the images has begun and we may soon see what forced the Moon expeditions to cease.

Behind the counter of an abandoned McDonalds lie 48,000 lbs of 70mm tapeā¦ the only copy of extremely high-resolution images of the moon.

[Above and below] The Ampex FR900 (restored) in operation.
More information on this project can be found at
A meeting of minds?
At the same time the last manned Lunar Mission was leaving the Moon, a man named Ingo Swann was having a secret meeting with a group of scientists at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California. He had written to the researchers with a proposal to study a new discipline called Parapsychology.
Swann successfully demonstrated his own abilities at locating objects at a distance and describing them with uncanny accuracy -- a talent we now know as Remote Viewing. As the research continued they discovered an unusual phenomenon that remains a mystery -- the ability of Remote Viewers to "see" a location when supplied their geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). The ability is remarkable even when the viewer has no knowledge of navigation or familiarity with the location. Ingo Swann seemed to be very good at this and was utilized by the CIA to describe certain secret locations inside the Soviet Union.
In his book, Penetration, Ingo Swann described how he was asked by the government to remote view some coordinates on the Moon in 1975.
After Swann had attained his mental state, the assistant Axel was told to say the word, "Moon", followed by the coordinates and he would then describe what he saw.
After mentally "landing" on the Moon, at a precise coordinate, Ingo described a pattern he saw in the sand.
What they actually look like are like rows of largish tractor tread marks. But I don't understand how this could be, so they must be something I don't understand. They are just marks of some kind. Strange, though.
He was then directed to the next set of coordinates... but something seemed wrong.
I'm sorry, Axel, I seem to have gotten back to Earth here... Well, there are ... some ... I have no idea. But whatever it was it couldn't be on the Moon.
After a coffee break of about fifteen minutes, Ingo and Alex got back to the task of remote viewing the Moon. Alex gave the coordinates and Igor began to describe what he saw.
Well I am in a place which is sort of down, like a crater I suppose. There is this strange green haze, like a light of some kind. Beyond that, all around is dark though. I am wondering where the light is coming from ..."
Ingo suddenly jolted and wanted to stop. Alex asked him, "What else?"
Well, you won't like this, I guess. I see, or at least I think I see, well... some actual lights. They are giving off a green light... I see two rows of them... yes, sort of like lights at football arenas, high up, banks of them.
Up on towers of some kind... Well, Axel, I can't be on the Moon. I guess I have to apologize, I seem to be getting somewhere here on Earth.
After being reassured that his viewing was indeed on the Moon, Ingo considered that he was being asked to remote view a Russian base of some kind and that they had established an outpost on the Moon ahead of America. He was asked to continue and given the coordinates again.
There is a noise of some kind, like a thumping. I can see one of the light towers better now. Hey, it seems built of some very narrow struts of some kind, thin like pencils. Like some sort of pre-fab stuff right out of Buckminster Fuller's stuff.
Let's see... hey, there are some of those tractor-tread marks everywhere. If I guess these are about a foot wide, well then, let's see, if I compute as correctly as I can, well...
Well, tall -- about or let's say over a hundred feet. But?... Well, I got a glimpse of the crater's edge. On it I think I saw a very large tower, very high that is. Big, really big!
Well if I compare it to something I am familiar with in New York, about as high as the Secretariat building at the United Nations -- which has thirty-nine floors in it.
Ingo was then told that what he saw was real but that it was neither made by the Russians nor the United States. Without saying who made these structures, Ingo understood. Shocked, he asked for a break for the day before resuming the session the next morning.
Again he was given coordinates and was asked to make sketches of what he saw. He described a mining operation with domes and tubes, bridges, nets and what looked like houses. In one house he saw a kind of people.
I saw some kind of people busy at work on something I could not figure out. The place was dark. The air was filled with fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination -- like a dark lime-green fog or mist.
The thing about them was that they either were human or looked exactly like us -- but they were all males, as I could well see since they were all butt-ass naked. I had absolutely no idea why. They seemed to be digging into a hillside or a cliff.
They must have some way of creating a good environment, warm and with air in it. But why would they be going around naked?
Ingo then had a strong feeling of fear. He wanted to run away. One of the humanoids he was viewing had looked in his direction, as if he had sensed that he was being watched.
I think they have spotted me, Axel. They were pointing at me I think. How could they do that... unless... they have some kind of high psychic perceptions, too?
At this point, Axel told Ingo to stop the session, saying that he didn't want to put him at any risk. Obviously, whoever these beings were, they were not friendly.
This is why we have not been back to the Moon.