
We always have heard foot steps and banging in our home. At times glass would break somewhere upstairs but we could never find it. The clock fell off the bedroom wall, the bedspread was pulled up to the center of the bed from the bottom up, creaking and various noises any time of the day. At night you can hear footsteps outside around the house walking on the gravel.

While reviewing several pictures I took of my (almost) 5 month old daughter this evening, I noticed this little round light spot. I sat in the same place as I photographed her (with flash, on high speed shutter mode, since she often tends to blink) as she played on a blanket for a good ten minutes, or so, and it appeared in just the one photo shown below, and shown again, enlarged for detail. Any idea on what would have caused it would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I found your page because I was looking for someone to explain these 'phenomenon' in a rational manor and not just jump to any conclusions. I have captured "light orbs" on video before and allowed someone to get me worked up, only to later come to the obvious conclusion that it was merely dust particles.... thanks in advance!

This is a picture taken of myself. Do you know what this is? I don't. All of the other pictures are normal. Please try to give me an answer.
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Hello, I came across your work on the web and wish to share with you a recent picture that took place in my home. Let me say, this picture followed the death of my mother. My mother passed away in Calgary August 6 2013. 12 hours after her death my wife was sitting in our living room in Vancouver Canada and took this picture of her and the dog sitting othe couch with her google nexus phone. Where she was seated was on the couch and in the background was a window with blinds only and no curtains. Directly to her left is a lamp. I'm uncertain if there was a flash or not.
Now to preface this, my father passed away 8 years prior to my mothers passing, and one month before my mothers passing she lost her dog. The death of my father put her in a deep depression till her passing, all she wanted to do was die to be able to be with him she missed him that much after 46 years of marriage. She had in her view nothing to live for. She died of eschemic colitis and it was the decision of us her three children to take her off life support at the age of 75. Our words to her was to let her know its ok to go now, we love her and understand its time to move on to her next life. We all wished and hoped she would be with her husband and dog again.
That being said, I was void of words when I looked at this picture. In the upper right corner I clearly see my mothers mouth, in the lower center I clearly see my fathers face and arm extending up to the silhouette of what appears to be a dogs head. There is a lot more going on in this picture than I can begin to explain. Perhaps you can look at this and share with me your thoughts and feelings on what you perceive.
It has all had a profound affect on my vision of life.
Thank you

Hello.....these photos were taken with a digital canon slr camera with image stabilization. I had propped the cutout against the wall to take pics and there seemed to always be too much light over the left shoulder of the cutout ...it seemed hazy.....I zoomed in closer and took a shot of the head and doorframe and could see a definite haze over the doorframe, so I stepped back and took another full shot of the cutout and it was filled with the white 'smoke' !? I don't smoke, my house wasn't on fire, no candles were burning.It was overcast outside so no random streaming sunlight. I tried to reproduce the shot and took many more photos...but whatever it was did not appear again.
Could this be paranormal? thank you for taking the time to look at these....

Can you please tell me if this is a mistake from my phone camera or is it paranormal?
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