The Amazing Ancient Ironstone rock of New South Wales
Details: Found by Ros (#####) 1 M. below ground during excavations in New South Wales, Australia in 1990
Determined to be likely Ironstone. (2 small outcrops not far away / Umina Beach & Dalley's Point, NSW)
Recovered however buried in Sandstone & within 2K of the Bambara Heiroglyphs, NSW.
Similarities to Blombos (inscribed) Rocks found in South Africa (M.Tellenger) 75,000 to 100,000 years old.
Far more exotic than mainstream researched and acclaimed similar examples found in China and South Africa.
Determined by Tribal Elders to be a very ancient artifact holding ancestral records.
But shunned so far by mainstream researchers !
Now under intense investigation by Steve and Evan Strong - learned independent AU archaeological researchers
Before our involvement with the Rock
Our primary interest has been below the radar independent archaeological research in Egypt and specifically the Giza Plateau.
We have spent more time than any within the underground chambers and tunnels of North Cliff 2 (NC2) in non-invasive observation, measurement, and photo gathering under the Plateau.
While analysing the thousands of photographs (using the Office 2010 suite and Elements 9) we found on one photograph that by manipulation of the colour frequencies, the contrast, and the colour tones etc an incredible image appeared from the rock surface.
(See below) ...
To the naked eye, the predominant colour of the rock and the debris of ages, blinded anyone from detecting the faded ancient images. We had stumbled on something significant and we began to apply the same painstaking method to other pictures with the same results. It revealed a kaliedoscope of images across all the surfaces. This is still under intense investigation, but since then we have determined several things.
Many of the images are formed with multiple smaller (fractal) images within them. The images are often three dimensional with a focal point beyond the surface. There are many very complex scenes involving multitudes of theriomorphic figures which are incredibly tiny. These are often almost like action photographs of a living scene.
Even more importantly we have found in the examination of photographs from other worldly locations, these images are present everywhere. Their style and nature is generic. It has been impossible so far to determine how the images were formed. The fact that many scenes contain modern buildings and engineered apparatus alongside native huts, energy devices, extinct animals, and pyramidical structures in jungle scenes, leads us to believe they were formed in the depths of ancient history - at the hands of sophisticated artists - and under a common cultural influence.
Below - From two of the dark NC2 walls... worked... then transferred to poster...
shade differences delineated... then scanned back to computer
Our work extended to the discoveries of Steve and Evan at Kariong, and we obtained the same fantastic results there.
Then we saw the (iron) rock!! The most astonishing results emerged from our analysis.....
Before we turn to the results from the rock HERE IS A CAUTION
If anyone is expecting a pristine result like looking at fresh paintings from the Tate Modern you will be disappointed!
In ideal circumstances, photo-archaeology of this kind would require sophisticated equipment, under ideal lighting and done with impeccable technique. With the rock we realise that micro photography would also be needed.
Such surfaces have suffered the ravages of time through erosion, wear, abuse, dust, grime, calcifications, and more.
At this stage of the discipline, we rely on photographs unposed and taken casually with no professional heed to lighting or picture definition. At each stage of the photo analysis the target picture degrades a little.
We begain with reasonably well defined pics but the final captured images were from areas that are circa one inch square or less - hence a final tally of nearly 100 picture studies... all derived severely from the original pic. and all degraded.
The second thing is that if you ((((look)))) at the picture results, then you may as well pack up and go home for a cuppa :-)
For each target area, you need to ((((study)))) the picture.
You need to suspend the thought that you are looking at a hugely enlarged, tiny section of a rock.
Instead, train your mind by imagining you are looking at a poorly developed picture of a sculpted surface, and what you see is tiny and three dimensional. I promise you if you use this method, your eye will begin to see beyond the surface into the focal depth of what it contains. If you are prepared to do the work on this, you will only have to spot the content once and all the other pics will fall into place easily.
We hope we will be given an opportunity in the future to examine this rock with professional photo equipment, and all difficulty will be dispelled. During the analysis process we also have had the luxury of movement - as we played each time through the settings. Therefore our small descriptions accompanying the results are based on far greater accuracy than your eyes may detect. You can rely on the sincerity and accuracy of our overview however.
First Thoughts
We understand this is most likely an ironstone rock or even something harder.
From a casual inspection it is criss-crossed on both faces with indented lines which could easily be taken for Ogham script.
Ancient Ogham is possible because even under the Giza Plateau we found Ogham script which has been translated. And this was from well beyond the 'tree-line' of pharonic history. (More likely from beyond the time of the Halfan!)
Already you will learn from Steve and Evan's articles, other expertise has determined the lines were formed with deliberate angles. They were not random and are also under intense investigation.
How were the lines indented? It has been postulated these lines were chiselled or cut; but into ironstone?
It has been postulated maybe it was done when the rock was semi-molten, (a bit like the lines from a griddle on a steak being barbequed!) There is just one problem. How is it then at a micro size, along all the indented lines there are theriomorphic figures carved! Yup! You can check them out for yourselves when you get to the results gallery.
How is it also that across the rock there are other separate figures seemingly carved in relief on the surface? The size they occupy is really tiny, and their precision would require the expertise of a craftsman watchmaker at least.
How is it also that there are sections of the surface where tiny complex scenes have been created in relief? They feature frozen actions just like a living panoramic snap-shot.... or they feature majestic minature carved figures.
Then finally, how is it that on all the plain surfaces isolated as small diamond-shaped areas between the lines, the surfaces hold multitudes of faded images of figures also? Against the blackness of the stone colour these were excruciatingly difficult to highlight, but hopefully you will agree we succeded.
Time at last to view for yourself.
Back to the final warning.... Don't just flip through them. Study them individually until you get the (focal depth) eye to see what is in them.... or you will just be wasting your time. Each one took an average of up to half an hour sometimes to determine. You can surely afford a few mns study time for each one yourselves.
let your eyes get used to the detail
A simple delineation of the same pic below to give an idea of focal depth
So far we have shown potential carved/formed - images/figures... but here is the first example of images
embedded to the smooth rock surface, bounded by the lines/indents/cuts. Study along the darker lower
and right-hand edges of the diamond shape. Let your eyes adjust to the focal depth and you will hopefully
see the array of animal forms. There are others elsewhere in this grainy picture that you may also pick up.
Now we turn for the first time properly to the indents/lines/cuts.
For their whole length there appears to be small carved figures in various poses as if caught in action.
Here is a zoomed-out study of one section, but they are all the same. Precise photograpy would reveal their nature.
The next few are also degraded but please take time to adjust your eyes and see more than
a two dimensional surface. The forms will begin to appear to you.
Some more obvious than others - but you will see better as we go along.
Every crease made by one of the line-indents has creatures (carved) within them
In this pic the apparrent relief figures are present along with the images imprinted to the smooth surface behind.
There is a whole line of them walking along this crease / indent.. and look further afield.
You can just make out forms within the other surfaces. It is like the lines have formed ledges or pathways.
This is as the rock runs to the end, but just on the left you can still make out the tall figures there.
Look within the tan colour and you will see at least 5 large snakes lined against each other top to bottom
These next ones may be grainy and at the edge of distortion, but the shapes beginning
to show through are consistent with others over the rock which are much more unmistakable.
Just to give an example of how the differing colour filters reveal different detail.
The figures on the ledge are deliberately over-exposed to allow the shadows of the other
figures on the smooth rock surface behind, to show-through.
We were hugely intrigued by this tiny side edge of a bounded diamond space. This pic does no justice to the
detail we could see during the analysis process. The tangle of figures vertical/oblique appear as if they have
been free formed and are attached to the surface. They appear as if they could even be retrieved free from the rock.
Another example deep into the shadow of the surface, Theriomorphic creatures peer back out.
...As with this example
The eye goes naturally to the raised central relief... but concentrate for a moment into the dark crevice behind the figure.
It is filled with a line of more creatures peering out.
We wondered what the pock-marks represented. Then noticed the white object off-centre - left. Think
now ..(head) and you will see it is a figure with a whole row of darkened figures lined across the picture surface behind.
This is a strange one which once again gave more detail in the process. Compare it with the second pic
where the delineations have been started. There is a lot more detail but these were so obvious.It is
almost as if the figures are emerging from beneath the surface
This section was equally intriguing because it seemed to show markings that could be taken for script of some kind.
We thought you could do some work on this yourself. Compare before and after indication.
Three main figures, but many more in the background.
We took this into another extreme filter, determined to somehow extract the
background images from the almost black original surface.
Concentrate on the Blue, especially across the lower half of the picture. Look into the
depths and perhaps you will be able to determine what the figures are doing?
Even if you squint, you should be able, quite clearly, to see the figures in this one.
Ledge activities again?
A deep background scene again.
It is anyone's guess what this may be.
These may be splodgy but while viewing, spare a moment to notice the over-exposed small
stand-alone figures right and left at the bottom. In another study, these show very clearly.
Now with a bit of colour... look much more closely. We really do want to study this tiny section
much more clearly. We could tell already that there was a lot more busy information to be
gleaned here than met the casual eye!
Another band of dark figures.
Faded true, ....but can you nevertheless see the animals outlined in the yellow area?
This is one section which is distinctly carved, while following the grain of the rock.
Powerful and easy to see, but what kind of creatures are they?
Please take longer on this special pic. It seems to feature a submarine type craft... but at the front there also appears to be a tall fin. There is structure to the vessel body and features can be determined. Top left and bottom right, (if this is meant to be an underwater scene) there certainly seems to be a large swimming creature in each section. Depending on the filter used, there was much more individual detail to see in the doing than what is captured in this final image.
More carvings from natural.
This gives the clearest indication of the micro figures all along the lines/indents/cuts to be found on the rock.
Same scene, but another filter allows the images on the flat surface to bleed through.
A seemingly very strange head in front of a clump of what? In fact other studies we did show that the clump is a boat.
The head like a figurehead.. and there are passengers in the boat.... But it requires a number of differently featured
filters to detect all the detail.
More lines and more figure views.
Spent a long time studying this area through differing filters. There is a distinct large bear-type head to the
right of the gold feature. Whatever the gold section is, there seems to be an interaction in some way with the
bear creature. The bear creature has company, lined obliquely alongside in the upper & lower part of the frame.
Undetermined ... but featuring 'something'
There is some serious action going on in this pic. It is like a capture from a futuristic movie set
I would have loved to have had a sharp image of this area
This is the whole scene from which I took the header pic.
It is one where you would need to work on it enlarged from your own computer.
During the movement of analysis there is a ton of detail that can be picked up.
I tried and tried to get this sharper.
I didn't discard it because it still shows the promise of something very peculior.
Study closely. There is definitely action here which requires better photos to work from.
More of them peering out from the gloom.
Comparitive pics again. One thing is shown but there is more to see in this one.
This is a good example of the indented scratches.
Under analysis they appear over the whole stone like carved totem strings.
And don't neglect the bland backgrounds. They show the faded images also.
Now can you see them.. at a greater magnification?
A need to study. There is a whole lot going on in this frame also.
This is the second view of the stone which will yield a mass of tiny detail
if you take it to your own computer to enlarge and study.
If you have taken careful time, and you are now letting the content and implication of these images sink-in...
...remind yourself please - that all of the above studies were harvested on a minature scale,
from the following....
What dare we suggest? The results take us completely outside our own paradigm. Nor can we take the results in isolation. We have found the same results from the examination of photographs from so-called sacred sites in over 30 countries so far. The images and style are generic. In other locations the images range from man sized to microscopic almost - like here; and with far sharper quality, content, elaboration and detail. In many instances where for example extinct mammals and undersea creatures are swimming, the images are no different than a modern holographic picture.
What are we to make of this? At this stage we are beginners. This Rock as with other sites must be professionally photographed so that the results are indisputable and sharp enough to interpret properly. The mainstream must pick this up and put effort into it or be condemned of negligence. We have shared the technique for analysis openly to the public and our results are open for all to see in our site files. Our wish from this is that other investigators across the world can become archaeological sleuths, focusing on rock surfaces at sites, especially places protected underground. Let an army of people begin returning their own results, but done with care and diligence to the methods we have spent immesurable time figuring out.
Our speculative conclusion is that in a far distant time our ancestors lived in huge centres/areas of community. They had plenty of forewarning of global disaster and scattered across the world in an effort to survive what was to come. They went to high ground and they went into air-locked underground homes. They took their common culture with them - and it included a pictorial language which they used to record the life and times around them. We still do not know the advanced methods they used for this and for so many of the other ancient reminders they left us, but these Walls (and surfaces) of Record survived, waiting for us to decipher them again. You can all be a part of the process.......... It is a work in progress.
Supplimental - Describing The process of extraction
Firstly, while doing the photo analysis, the screen is alive as you move through the adjustments.
We move through the light/dark - the shadow - the contrast - the mid-tones etc... but then especially through the whole visible colour spectrum. This gives great advantage because after the first basic set of adjustment for clarity, and then through the colours, there may be two or three sweet-spots where there is less glow (or over-exposure) During the process it is possible to see greater detail.
The final adjustment to freeze and capture, is the best that can be found from the quality of the original.
It does not reflect the best there is to offer or still find.
That would only come from the most excellent primary photographs.
The orientation of the images and relief carvings give a clear indication of (up and down) when the rock is held face forward.
This could assist in determining other scientific correlations with the lines.
The lines appear to cleft the surface in a way to leave a ledge. ( We will return to this in more detail later)
IE The resulting (smooth) diamond shaped surfaces bounded by the lines do not sweep equally into or away from the lines.
Or in another way to say.....
If we were to recreate the effect with a knife on soft clay, the knife would have to be held skewed to the surface (not perpendicular)
We could imagine this to be deliberate, or by application of impressed force predominately from the right or left; as held by the left hand and created from the right hand - or vice versa....... but this would negate the lines having been created while the rock was molten?
There is a second problem.
We were able to observe some places on the stone where the background (deep) illustrated figures on the smooth surfaces had been intersected by the lines! This implies that some lines were created 'after' background images had been created.
The contradiction to this however is that the (deep) images on the smooth sections seem to be deliberately framed in their own spaces.
Next consideration:: Apart from the lines and the smooth diamond areas they frame, there are very visible complete carved studies along the top, bottom and side edge of the stone.These are complex and have a very high promise of producing much evidence from better study. These make use of the contours of the rock and the scenes they depict seem very purposeful and intricate. These are unassailable relief carvings on a minute scale and must hold great meaning.
Back to the ledges we described earlier, formed from the angle of the indented/cut lines both vertically and horizontally.
We will use one more analogy to describe these.
If we were viewing a full sized cliff face, it would be as if a path had been cleft across the cliff face but not a level path. It would be one which had a camber sloping from its exposed edge down to the cliff - and with travelling space along its length created from the cliff face beveled back to the vertical cliff above the path. Now severely minaturise this concept back to the stone.
Along the lines (pathways) and similarly on the vertical lines..... tiny theriomorphic creatures are carved along all of the lines in various poses. Furthermore, in some places along these micro-ledges we spotted undefined items which appear to have been carved free and applied to their positions. They seem as if under a microscope they could be removed intact from the surface. Hence our immediate paranoia for the exceedingly delicate handling and storage needed for this artifact until its professional examination and assessment are completed.
So now we ask ourselves: How was this all achieved?
Unfortunately when examining something so alien to our experience, we only have our experience to guide us until we learn more.
It is dangerous therefore to be too bold with any assertions.
The artifact screams out for more definitive professional examination in order to obtain definitive answers.
There are some conclusions we 'can' arrive at.
Meaningful Images were imprinted to the surface of this stone by a means unknown to us.
Complex, exquisite and exotic micro-carvings were formed on the stone by a means unknown to us.
A deliberate pattern of lines are indented to the surface which have already been shown to correlate to cosmic values.
The stone can be accepted from the outset to have originated from a time which reaches back to great antiquity.
There is nothing about this stone which is accidental.
The skill and application required to produce the artifact could only be matched in modern day at the highest levels of craftsmanship, imagination and engineering, if at all.
We shall be pleased and privileged to continue as part of the growing group of serious investigators who are pursuing the answers.
Richard and Judith .... September 2014
Follow all the other (NC2 etc) files from our site index here...