The Foundation Appeal
UK. TV Ch.4 - Unreported World, series have just aired a blistering half-hour documentary on the
situation with Tomb robbers and dying animals around the Giza Plateau, Cairo.
When this documentary shows the latest animal situation it is very harrowing.
But it is reality, and a must-see for anyone who is slightly interested in what is happening there.
Below, the main TV site is listed ....followed by the URL directly for you to view the documentary.
Well done UK. TV Ch.4 for exposing this horror.
These dogs were some of the thousands, This horse was in active service for tourists,
still killed with Strychnine-laced meat its wound concealed under a blanket
Please help us to stop this happening in Cairo Now
We can only do it with Your Donations of Aid - see lower down the page.
Each time we visit Giza we gasp at the scale of the task. So much animal suffering, yet so many good souls from across the world who have visited Cairo and Giza just as we have done and have been driven sick by what they saw. People return home wishing for a way they could have done something to help! This appeal and our work will give you that chance.
We know of some wonderful visitors who became deeply involved locally and we will be working with many of them.
These are the almost anonymous souls who have set up sanctuaries for dogs and horses and other animals in several places in Egypt ...or are helping local people directly to feed and tend the animal victims of such abuse.
We will do as they do but we want to do much more. We are researching to produce a reportable presentation on the true state of animal affairs throughout Giza. We will report to you and to the highest responsible levels in Cairo with an action plan to educate, motivate, organise, incentivise and transform current attitudes to animals. At the same time we will support direct action to feed and look after more of the abused and sick animals we discover.
Enough really is enough ! ...and now we need Your help. We can be your full time agents for this noble cause if you will support us. Right now it is an almost abandoned cause, and that is not fair or just ! For over a decade we have pursued our calling to this work and to the exploration of our Ancient past ..funded completely from our own meagre pockets. We have no other option now but to come to you directly and appeal on a very personal level. Please dig as deep as you can.
We will not let you down. We will not let the Cause down, and we will continue to be tireless in the task - reporting all to you through these two websites. In future we would seek to organise others to join with us in Cairo to be an even more
direct part of it all.
For now if the pages of this site touches your heart somewhere, please become part of the energy of help by using the button to donate whatever you can manage. On behalf of all the animal life of Cairo we can then only say - Thank You

Info : Where there is a Donate button, it will usually take a few moments to activate from a double click